Our Team

The Company comprises of a highly experienced team of professionals based in both Western Australian and South Australia, servicing Australia- wide.

Our industry is struggling with lack of experience as vibration certificates only require a 1 week course and six months field experience. A certificate does not necessarily mean competence. Experience does matter as it takes years of collecting and analysing vibration data from all sorts of industries to build up the expertise to be both confident and accurate in advanced vibration diagnostics. At Howler Alert Technologies, the majority of our technicians have well over a decade of experience.

Our team encourages and performs Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of machine components which were diagnosed to be replaced. This is the only way to compare the theoretical diagnostics to the actual physical condition of the component. We use RCA’s as a quality assurance process to ensure our advice is always as accurate as possible.

Building a relationship with our clients to give them confidence and trust in our diagnostic advice is the top priority for the team at Howler. If you are uncertain of the advice or don’t have confidence in your condition monitoring provider, then they are not the provider for you.

“I am passionate about creating real solutions for our Clients. Where other companies say a job is too difficult, too big, or too small, I will find a way to solve the problem.”

Ashley Wass – Howler Alert Technologies Director

Contact Us

PO Box 1065 Blackwood SA 5051

1300 318 669
