Acoustic Ultrasound

The human ear can detect sound in the sonic range (20Hz to 20,000Hz). Sounds above this range are referred to as Ultrasonic.

Ultrasonic sound inspection generically falls under 3 categories; mechanical inspection, leak detection and electrical inspection.

As mechanical components begin to fail, a change in the original sonic signature occurs. Ultrasonic equipment can record this signature and compare it to past readings (as is done for vibration analysis).

When a fluid (liquid or gas) leaks, it moves from the high-pressure side of a leak through the leak site to the low-pressure side where it expands rapidly and produces a turbulent flow. This turbulence has strong ultrasonic components. The intensity of the ultrasonic signal falls off rapidly from the source. For this reason, the exact spot of a leak can be located.

Corona discharge in electrical equipment can occur and produce light and a hissing sound which can be detected with ultrasonics.

Howler can help you find any pressure leaks saving you energy and increasing system efficiency.

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