Wheel Alert Technologies was founded in 2015 with a determination to develop a world first condition monitoring wheel sensor for the trucking industry. Hence the name “Wheel Alert Technologies”.

After many years of development, the sensor was well on the path to commercialisation ….. that was until the pandemic hit. Like many businesses, Wheel Alert Technologies found it necessary to pivot to remain operational. Today we specialise in reliability services. However, the truck wheel sensor has not been lost, with the technology being transferred to the latest in-house designed and built online vibration monitoring systems.

To better represent what we do as a company, the trading name of “Wheel Alert Technologies” has now been changed to “Howler Alert Technologies” (“Howler” for short).

Why “Howler” you ask? The howler monkey is the loudest land animal in the world. When in danger, the howler monkey lets out a howl that can be heard from over 3km away. This is to alert the other howler monkeys about the impending danger. We thought it appropriate as we are alerting our customers about the impending danger of a possible machine failure with either our reliability services or online monitoring systems. Thus, our catch phrase;